Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Come for the blog, stay for the terrible puns

There is really no eloquent way to introduce something new when you have no idea what you're doing or what you're expecting to accomplish.

"Hi I'm Molly and I like running so here are words about running."

"I run and I write so now I'm writing about running."

"This is what happens when people stop being polite, and start getting real."

Luckily for me, I'm not expecting anyone to read this (though if you are, HI!) so it really doesn't matter how I introduce it, or what I write from here on out.

If you're reading this, you probably know me, and therefore know that I love running. I post about it fairly regularly on my social media pages, but there's so much more to my running and fitness journey than what you see on Facebook and Instagram, and most of the time I cut my posts short thinking that no one would want to read that much about a picture.

My hope for this blog is to reveal the less glamorous version of this journey (though I'd like to think my pictures are never particularly filtered because it's hard to make an exhausted, red-splotchy face look good no matter how many Lo-Fi's or Nashville's you throw on it so I've pretty much just stopped trying). I want to write down the thoughts that bounce around in my head and send them out into the universe. I hope that in doing so, I might inspire others along their own journeys, or help them get started. I want people to know that fitness and running are not easy, no matter what we show on Instagram and Facebook.

If reading about running interests you, then welcome! If seeing someone you know achieve their goals appeals to you, come on in! If you hate running but are curious to see how you go from zero to 26.2 in 4 months, thanks for stopping by! If you hate running and reading, I don't understand you but hey cool you do you!

IG: @captainc_run_ch

Let's do this.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to reading your blog. Should be fun to write and to run!!!!!
